
Happy Anniversary to me!

Today marks the one year anniversary of the start of moviewings. This blog came out of a combination of events: Paul Newman had just died, and I found myself saddened and thinking about what the star and old movies meant to me. A good friend of mine had recently begun blogging, and while I knew I didn't want to create an online diary of my personal life (who'd want to read that, anyway?) I began to think about what I would enjoy writing about. If I wrote about movies, I thought, I would have plenty of things to say. So my first post came out of a desire to express my feelings on Paul Newman's death while opening up a creative outlet for me to talk about my love of movies.

One year and almost 70 posts later, I pause to look back. Finding the LAMB helped me not to feel like I was alone and talking to myself. A major makeover changed the look (but not the spirit) of the blog. In this year, I've learned a lot, like the fact that I'm not the only person who loves classic movies. (It turns out that many people are even more obsessed than I am, although classic film bloggers still seem to be in the minority.) I've had a lot of fun, especially highlighting some of my favorite Overlooked Oldies, doing some silly lists and memes, participating in the Lit Flicks challenge, and declaring January to be a Month O' Musicals. One thing I haven't liked is feeling sometimes that watching movies has become homework instead of entertainment (I don't always want to take notes and think of criticism as I watch a film.) But the blog has also moved me to widen out in the movies I've seen, and I've found some great new-to-me movies that way that I might not have gotten to otherwise.

So where do we go from here? The blog doesn't have an expiration date, but it also is not the only or most important thing in my life. It's very safe to say that I will continue watching films. And whenever I am so inspired to share my thoughts about what I've viewed, especially on the movies that give me wings, this is where I'll do it. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! :D

(And I'm working on my chain post! Hopefully I'll have it up this weekend!)

Nicole Newcomb said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Lolita of the Classics said...

And you do the right thing to only write when feeling inspired - you should never make your hobby a must-do!

Caitlin said...

Congrats on the milestone!

Wendymoon said...

Thanks all!

filmgeek said...

Congrats. Here's to many more

Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

Congratulations. I enjoy your blog, and hope you continue to have fun posting.

Fletch said...

Happy belated blog-o-versary! Here's to another year. :)

Tom said...

Happy Anniversary!

Vanessa said...

Happy Anniversary! I always love reading your blog. I found it while you were doing the Month O' Musicals and that really got me hooked! So please keep writing :)

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